
Whistleblowing and investigations – from a Nordic perspective


04 Apr - 04 Apr 2023


09:00 - 10:30


Arbetsrätt och pensioner


Seminarium, Webinarium


Online, Stockholm


The legislation regarding Whistleblowing and the obligation to perform investigations when there is a work incident may look simple at a first glance. But how should the system be set up, who may have access to a complaint and how do you perform an investigation? This seminar gives you a practical overview on how to fulfil the legal requirements but also insight on the pitfalls, what to avoid, and how to run an investigation that enables you to follow up with the appropriate legal action. Lawyers from both Sweden, Finland and Denmark will join to give us a pan-Nordic perspective!

Please note that this seminar will be held in English.

Länk till anmälan hittar du i Sveriges Bolagsjuristers utbildningsöversikt, under material.